August 18, 2010

Summer! Don't go!

Exactly one week until I head back to work for another school year (it'll be my 5th, I can't believe it!). There are so many wonderful things to reflect on from this summer (expect lots of upcoming posts on the big events) but I feel like I'm still clinging to this last bit of vacation...

...before it's time to dive back in to a different routine, mindset, and set of responsibilities. I will actually have to change out of my sweats after getting coffee with steve in the mornings. I'll need to shop for office supplies, pack my computer bag (where is my computer bag?) and make my lunch every morning. But why think about those things now? It's still summer. I think I'd rather worry about what to BBQ tonight. :)

{with the dekokers on pipe lake}

1 comment:

  1. love these summery pics, but miss seeing pictures of YOU.
